Monday, August 2, 2010

Well...I'm BACK...AGAIN!

OMG--WHAT happened to summer??!! OK, I remember...a trip w/ DH; summer library; library workshop/grad class; baseball, baseball, baseball; a solo trip; OH...AND I GOT A FULL-TIME MEDIA POSITION! (wait, we are now School Librarians) AND my DH got a full-time media, er, school librarian position also! We are both SO SO excited. So needless to say I have let this entirely fall to the wayside (aren't I supposed to have MORE time in the summer--HA!) I have spent several days this summer researching websites & reorganizing my delicious account--and honestly could easily spend another day or two doing more. But summer is getting away from me and suddenly I have SO much to wrap up at home before the school year starts--in NINE days!!!
I have spent one day at my new media center--actually half a day--and it is BEAUTIFUL! A wall of windows opening to the courtyard, a lovely open room. I am officially on a one year only contract, and while there are some things I would really like to change I certainly don't feel I can make any major changes until I know the position is permanent (keep your fingers crossed!) So I am pondering what small changes I can make that will make me feel like I have put my touch on it, while keeping it manageable to put back the way I found things should it come to that.
I am responsible for Kindergarten 50 minutes/day and small reading support groups 60 minutes/day. So I have a nice chunk of the day to meet with classes for checkout and groups. AND I have a paraprofessional--lovely! DH has NO daily groups and a paraprofessional. We are both realizing how VERY lucky we are. More & more school librarians are being pulled into the specialist rotation to cover plan time. I understand this seems like a smart move to administrators and teachers, but many of these school librarians (MOST) seem to be doing this without a paraprofessional. YES, we are TEACHERS first--but we are also managers of the collection. So if we are in the specials rotation full-time, we may as well go back to classroom--it would be less work! ( I'd go back to the classroom) Really our position is being taken advantage of--we are being asked to be responsible for more than specialists/classroom teacher with no compensation. It is an advocacy battle we must fight EVERYDAY.
WOW--I'm hooked on the caps today! lol. Well...I have my final project due this week for my grad class & I have decided we are having a garage sale this week. I think I am NUTS!

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